Fundraising Fitness for Camping Properties: Funding operations and capital campaigns

Monday, August 7, 2023 at 1:00 Eastern

Chad Borgestad & Reid Estes


Jim Eney


Jim has served on the Essentials Training Team at the Murdock Trust for 20 years coaching organizations in development. He also served on Young Life Staff for 30 years ending in his role as Senior Vice President in 2004 where he lead successful Capital Campaigns and implemented Taking Donors Seriously in areas and regions. Jim continues as counselor in development to many non-profits in his role as an Associate with the International Foundation. Jim received a BA from the University of Washington 1974 History and an MA in Theology from Fuller Seminary 1999. Jim resides in Portland Oregon with his wife Janet.

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Reid Estes


Reid has 30 years of leadership experience growing start up teams and leading in cross-disciplined environments. Reid’s understanding of relational fundraising (TDS) comes from extensive experience with annual fund execution and multiple campaign projects to build or improve Young Life Camp Properties throughout the US. Additional years serving as VP of Organizational Capability for Young Life helps Reid support our clients in building effective and functionally sound development teams. Reid is a collaborative, solution-focused consultant. Reid holds a Master of Arts from Miami University in Coaching Science and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Flagler College. He and his wife now live in St. Augustine Beach, FL. They have three adult children and enjoy any activity that involves the beach, travel, fitness (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), golf or family.

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